Thursday, December 4, 2008

Water purification and Sanitation

Presented by : Surendran

K Vishalini a/ p L.S.Kanaga

Melissa a/p Gabriel

Lecturer : Dr. Sapna

Date : 4th December 2008

Seminar outline

A) Water Supply

- Uses of Water

- Sources of water supply

- Water pollution

- Water-borne diseases

- Water quality criteria and standard

- Purification of water

B) Sanitation

- Introduction

- Chemical constitution of sewage

- Objectives of sewage system in Malaysia

- Sewage treatment processes

- Sewage treatment methods

- Sewage treatment systems

- Public sewage treatment plants in Malaysia

- Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)

Further learning objectives

· What is a

o Epidemic

o Endemic

o Pandemic

· Water supply

o What is the water treatment system used in the district/country?

o Why is water treatment important?

o Who manages the water treatment and what is carried out in the process?

o What source of water is used by the kampong and why?

o Water borne diseases

o What is potable water?

· Purification of water

o By which way is water purified in the kampong?

§ Domestic

§ Llarger scale

o By which way is water purified in the district?

o What is the water filter which is used at

§ Household level

§ Larger scale

o What is the disinfection used at

§ District level

§ Household level

o Chlorine

§ How much to add

§ Test details

§ Mechanism of action

§ Level of residual chlorine

§ Breakpoint chlorination

o What is the specific way which water testing is done?

o Why is there a difference of free residual chlorine content?

· Sanitation

o What is biochemical oxygen demand level before it is let out?

  • Where is sewage from individual septic tanks in the kampong?

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